Ministers And Mohawks?!

Yay.  I have survived another day of VBS... It's smack dab in the middle of the week and we only have two more days to go... I think I can handle this.  Today the kids in my crew were a bit rowdier than usual... Especially this guy named Paul.  He's about seven years old and has a mohawk.  Fun story behind that...

So.  VBS takes place in a church, right?  Well.  Paul's mother, wanting to respect the church, had Paul attending VBS with his mohawk un-gelled and un-spiked lying limp on his head.  However, when we went to the "drama" station activity, the woman doing the storytelling and acting stuff was like "Aww you have a mohawk-- that is so cool! Why isn't it spiked up?"  Paul answered "Because my mom... and church..."
"Oh, because you're in a church, that's why?  Well.  I think it's cool.  You tell your mother that the minister's wife said it was okay to wear your mohawk in all of its meant-to-be glory to VBS."
My jaw dropped.   First off, since I don't normally go to this church (long story-- but short version: I'm just volunteering at this Methodist church's VBS) I met the minister's wife just then.  I met the minister's wife telling a kid it was okay to wear a mohawk in a church.  Eh.... I have mixed feelings about that...
1. I kinda agree with Paul's mother about being reverent in church and forgoing the gel and spiking.
2. But then again, you can wear your hair however you want, and you can wear what you want.  It's a free country.  HOWEVER
3.  There is a time and place for everything, and that includes hair and clothes.  You can't show up to prom in ratty jeans and a t-shirt, right? And you shouldn't wear those uber tight kinda slutty  bandage skirts to church.  It's the whole reverence thing.  So as a Christian, I feel like even though Paul may not be old enough to know the rebellious merits a mohawk posesses, he shouldn't spike it up at church.
That whole minister's wife/Paul thing happened yesterday.  Today, Paul showed up with his mohawk spiked up and gelled.
Okay, this is a bit extreme.  This isn't Paul, nor is it his hairstyle.  His is a tamer version of this.  XD

Well.  Needless to say, upon attending the drama station activity today, the minister's wife applauded his hair.  *Facepalm.*

HA, look at that whole rant/story about a seven year old with a mohawk.  Annnnnnnnnnnnyways....
I was kind of bad today regarding the whole turn over leaf thing... XD
I didn't go running, I must've eaten like 50 marshmallows today, and I haven't done any work outs.  Sigh.  Guess this is officially a "down day".  I mean, I've been relatively good the rest of this week... and plus.  It rained so I couldn't go out running.  But that's kind of a poor excuse.  It only started raining around like, 8pm.  Heh.  Hopefully I'll get better about this later in the week...

In other news, I'm leaving for the beach August 10th!  So that's fun... my family goes to the same beach every summer for two weeks.  It's been like that ever since I can remember-- Yay for traditions! (:
Do you guys have any summer traditions that you love?

Speaking of summer... Summer is slowly slipping away...  If only I could tug on its leash and pull it back!  I know I have a lot of work to do before the middle of August regarding summer projects... I should really get working on those.  I plan on reading the assigned book/doing the response stuff at the beach for AP World, and I'll fit German stuffs in there somewhere else... It's funny how you don't realize how precious summer is until it starts getting away from you.

It's funny because I feel like ending this post, but most of it is about a kid with a mohawk... Haha.
Eh, I'll leave it.  Goodnight, kiddies!