Okay, so the title of the post is a bit dramatic.
It is, however, the last day of summer for me. Sophomore year starts tomorrow, and I'm not really finding myself that excited for it. Maybe my excitement level will go up a bit the closer it gets to midnight... Hmm...
First off, I would like to wish everyone a
Woo! Kudos to all of you guys who work so hard just to make our fantabulous country possible (:
I know I wish I had a job so I could take the day off... (;
I must say, though. This past weekend was a blast-- chock full of fun. I'll start with Friday and go on from there...
Friday. That was a purty full day-- spent basically the whole morning/afternoon with J, hanging out and catching up and crossing stuff off of our "Summer Shenanigans" bucket list-y thing... We ended the night with the first (varsity I think?) football game of the season for our Titans... I'll spoil now and say they lost 19-23, but at least we were close! We actually scored! And it's funny, because most of the time, if you're under 18, you're not really watching the high school football game anyways. You're finding friends and sitting with friends and eating friends... er... eating WITH friends (ha) and talking with friends. Normally it's the parents who watch the game. But it was sad... after the game was done it felt like a school Friday night... and that's just wrong. Summer wasn't even over then. I got home rather late because my parents were out and having car trouble, so when J's dad dropped me off at my place (er, attempted to) no one was home and I couldn't get to the spare key. Sigh. So I called up the rents and asked where they were and all that-- and thus found out about the car trouble. J and his dad very graciously let me stay with them at the house until my dad could get the other car somehow and come pick me up. It was a loooong night.
Saturday! This was a fun day! I worked on some AP stuff (which I am DONE WITH now!! :D) for most of the morning and went about my day catching up and prepping for school stuff... However, I had to be at J's house by 5pm because we were going to Bristow, VA to see JOHN MAYER LIVE IN CONCERT at 7:30 later that night :D. J's dad had extra tickets and J wanted to give one to meeeeeee :D I had known about the concert for some time now, I just thought I'd share it now, as it would have the element of surprise. So anyways! When the time came, I headed over to see J and we left, driving off to Jiffy Lube Live with nothing but John Mayer playing out the car stereo. When we got there, Phillip Phillips, who was opening for Mayer, was starting to make his entrance onstage. We didn't care too much about him until he played "Home", which was at the end of his set. We took the opportunity to eat while he was performing-- Jiffy Lube live has a
Famous Dave's on-site. Which is totally awesome, if you ask me. So we all got barbecue versions of things. I contemplated adding their "hellfire pickles" to my entree... XD We topped it all off with ice water and freshly-squeezed lemonade (it wasn't that great... I don't recommend it..not enough tang) and made our way to our seats. After barely sitting down, J and I decided we wanted fro-yo and funnelcake. (I was more an advocate for the fro-yo, J was craving the funnelcake XD) So we went and grabbed that and ended up sharing. It was so hot, though. The fro-yo melted really rapidly and got us all sticky... But then the screaming started, and I knew John Mayer was about to come onstage, so it didn't even matter any more. He opened the show with a high-energy version of "Queen Of California" and it just got better from there. He didn't play a lot of things J and I wanted him to play... I know I was really hoping for "Paper Doll", and J was reallllly wishing for "Fool To Love You".
We spent basically the entire evening on our feet, jamming to whatever he played for us... he took an acoustic break-- when things were supposed to cool down they just heated right on up. His band left the stage and it was just him and his guitar-- so great.
One of the things I love about Mayer is how he'll acknowledge the fans. There was this one guy who made it known that he had attended 52 Mayer shows... Yeah... Crazy, right? Talk about a dedicated fan...
But there are perks to being dedicated, I tell you that!
That guy?
John Mayer let him request a song AND he walked away with a signed guitar. XD
His acoustic godliness continued, and he did this awesome "Your Body Is A Wonderland" version, and you know how he'll jazz it up so much that you hardly know what he's playing sometimes? Or what's even coming next? Well, listening to what he was doing, I had this hunch that he'd take "Your Body Is A Wonderland" and go into "Neon" from there... and right as I said this aloud, John's hands flew to the neck of the guitar to change key and went RIGHT INTO NEON :D
To say I "CALLED IT!!!" hands down, is an understatement. I wasn't able to make any other winning predictions that night, but that's okay. That one felt purty wicked.
Mayer played a lot of stuff off of Paradise Valley and Born and Raised (considering it was called the "Born and Raised Tour"), and touched on a couple of his older albums as well. It was such an amazing show. At one point, he was just soloing on the guitar with one hand as he accepted flowers from an audience member in the front row. I was like idashfkjasklfjdksajf; kdlsajfk lda;sj WHY IS HE SO GOOD??? AHHH FANGIRL.
To add to the fun of the night, he gave an inspirational speech (This is a constant for all Mayer shows... They may be expensive, but it's because the Inspirational Speech A La Mayer is included in your ticket price (; )
So... I'll just let you join me as I bask in my appreciation for Mayer-- here's a good picture of him from Saturday night (:
ISN'T HE LOVELY... ISN'T HE BEAUTIFUL... XD Photo creds to http://bitze.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/john-mayer-born-and-raised-tour-bristow-va-3.jpg?w=500&h=443 God I wish I was the one who took this photo. :D
After the show, J insisted on getting a Mayer T-Shirt to add to his concert tee collection... I think he's got a Train one... Not even sure if he has a formal "collection", but he could start now if he wanted to, right? So we found our way back to the car and once inside, we played all of the Mayer songs we missed out on. I got my "Paper Doll" fix, and J got his "Fool To Love You", in addition to other songs Mayer (sadly) didn't play. It was such an amazing night-- one of the BEST highlights of this summer! ^_^
Sunday. Yesterday I woke up really late because of such a late night with J and his dad and MAYER :D. (Still fangirling, btw...) But we had to hurry up and get ready-- we had overslept and we were supposed to make it down to my grandparent's by 3ish for Ruski's birthday party (er, family get together). Eeyup, Ruski turns 17. His birthday is actually today, (Sept. 2nd) but we had the visit with family yesterday. So that was fun-- food, cake, family... the usual (: An even bigger surprise came though, when after dinner my uncle revealed that he had his new boat (well, I say "new boat" in that he hasn't gotten it in the water until now... he's actually had it for like, 35 years and it's just been sitting in his garage) out in the water! :D It's a cute speedy white little thing with cushy seats. It holds up to four people and we all went zipping around the creek in it. (My grandparents live with a hefty creek on one side of them and the Potomac River on the other, so it's like "pick your poison" when it comes to waterways you want to ride on) He'd do figure eights and run over the wakes we left behind... I took Boo with me in the boat and she had a blast. I really wished I had learned to drive it, though. She looks so fun to handle!
After we had finished our joyrides, we went in to eat cake and watch the birthday boy open presents. We then stayed around a bit longer, as my parents were deep in conversation with my grandparents. I took the opportunity to be sort of antisocial for a while and finish some AP World stuffs. We didn't end up leaving their house until 11 something PM, and, with a two hour-ish drive back, we got home really late. I was exhausted and fell into bed.
...And now here I am! Blogging on the last day of summer... Ruski gets to remember it as his birthday, lucky him. And turning 17, no less...
This day shall forever live in infamy. It is the last day of a wonderful summer... A summer of firsts, a summer of wonderful memories. And in some ways, I feel like this is my last summer before things get serious. College hunts go into full gear this year, most likely... the summer before Junior Year is bound to be one full of volunteering and work and more college-y stuff... Sigh. I should really start enjoying being 16. (Not that I haven't already... Just that I should enjoy it even more than I already have...)
So. As a wishlist for this school year... Er... More like a resolution without the "new year's" tag on it...
-I want to do the absolute best I can on schoolwork.
-I want to be productive and not procrastinate as much.
-If the previous thing fails, I want to at least get better at procrastinating. Hey, if you're going to do it, might as well do it right (;
-I want to obtain/MAINTAIN a good balance between school, friends and boyfriend.
-I want to discover myself as a person, and if that means trying a bunch of new things, then... so be it (:
-I want to be healthier this year-- I'm going to try to keep up on my exercise and not let my sweet tooth get the better of me.
With all of that in mind, I want to have a kick-ass year. Remind me to look at this post if ever I need inspiration or if I'm just lost in terms of motivation.
Soo... While tomorrow technically means the apocalypse of my happy-go-lucky summer world, I shall embrace it and make it the best apocalypse evar. Doing it all in style, of course.