On the Beach

How appropriate, since that's where I am currently.

There's something awesome about blogging seaside-- the pounding waves give a sense of soothing clarity that is seldom found anywhere else. 

This post will be mostly pictures, just cuz the beach is something I love looking at, love taking in, love enjoying. And sometimes pictures say it better. 

But what I will say about the beach is that it's kinda like humans. Soothing, sometimes forceful, sometimes gentle... always changing and full of surprises. And every time I come here it's hard not to feel serene...and I think a lot, and reflect a lot, and read and write with the ocean doing its thing in the background and it's just lovely. And the best part is, I'll get to be one with the ocean for the next two weeks. 

After stopping at a Denny's at 1:00am and making a random Wal-Mart trip at 3:00am (which I apparently missed cuz I stayed asleep in the car), we finally got here in OC MD last night around 4:00am (my family is insane when in comes to traveling places and leaving on time and arriving on time and traveling during NORMAL HUMAN TRAVEL HOURS.... Sigh). I didn't end up falling asleep until around 6:00am, but I got to see the sun wake up, which was purty nice. 

And so it begins... Sharing yet another tiny condo with 6 other people who will all most likely get on each others nerves 1000 times over before July 9th.... But we'll try to have fun in the meantime. 


