
Monday, February 23, 2015

Life as of Lately: Long Time No Type...


I haven't posted since January.

Here I sit, finally a spare moment to myself, the Dr. Horrible soundtrack playing in the background and a cup of too old tea that I need to get rid of right next to my pile of freshly pulled apart clementine peels...

I need to do this more often.  I literally can't wipe the smile off my face, it feels so good to blog again.

Let's get lost in the madness, shall we?

School. The bane of my existence, currently.  But I feel as if I've climbed over a hump. Lately, the stress has just been building to a dangerous height.. I've had the worst grades in my schooling career ever, (I'm currently failing Calculus) and I feel like my workload is yanking my limbs in different directions.  And the extracurriculars? (...haha acapella, choir things, improv, musical, GLI, and other things) Yeah, they're eating me too.  I love being busy and having things to do but GOODNESS GRACIOUS sometimes I need to know when enough is enough.  I remember seeing an inspirational picture thing post on Instagram or something recently... it said "You can do anything...but not everything." I should really pay attention to that... Maybe it'd stop me from putting way too much on my plate...

But anyways.  I digress. Things have calmed down.  I've faced the fact that I am never going to be really good at math, and I'm adjusting my senior year accordingly.  When I get there, it is going to be a chill year. Because I cannot take it anymore.  Next year will be me doing what I want, and hopefully devoting myself to it more than I have this year. This year has been more stress than dedication and enjoyment, and I miss it.  ...Annnnd I probably won't end up taking an art class.. simply because I don't really find the basic Art I that interesting.. Perhaps I'll do freelance things on my own.  Ever since I've been to the Torpedo Factory I've been inspired :P.

But anyways.  I've decided to take charge and actually pursue my interests...instead of taking things just because people recommend them or want me to.  And it feels good.  Super good.  On a side note... I have an improv show this Friday and I literally just got home 45 minutes ago from musical rehearsal...this year we're doing Suessical! The Musical and boy is it a project... Before rehearsal I had an audition for All-State choir.. and I just have to say thank god I have one more year to try out for it (as a senior)... the audition was only so good and I wished I hadn't screamed over the weekend and lost my voice... (whoops...) But other than that, it was fun.  Good experience.  I'll learn for next time (;

Work. HAHAHAH this category is funny. Normally, I don't have much to put here BUTTTT.... I haven't gone to work for like, the past two weeks (grrr no income...) because of the weather.  Crazy, right? This past Saturday, we got a FOOT OF SNOW (so fun) and so I wasn't able to go in on the weekend. I'm short, so stepping outside, the snow was almost to my knee.  It was insane. And leading up to that Saturday, I only went to school once that week.  The rest of the week I had to myself because the weather was crappy and awesome and snowing and icing and stuff.  It was fantabulous.  I was so lazy but also somehow managed to force myself to do homework.... Anyways, as crazy as this sounds, me alone in a froyo shop when it's cold and no one is buying frozen yogurt... but I kinda can't wait to work this weekend.  I miss getting paid, lol.

Love. Is it acceptable to start off by saying I haven't kissed my boyfriend since last Wednesday? Ha, it's melodramatic I know.  Woe is me.  But man, it feels like forever... It's probably since his cousins flew in from California and they've been around this past week (and will be here til this Wednesday) and he doesn't wanna make it third-wheel-rific. Which I can understand.  I've been a third wheel and it's not fun. ...At least, until you start doing stupid shit like popping your head in between theirs when they're about to have a cuddly moment in a dark movie theatre... (okay, it's not the nicest, but sometimes it is rather hilarious).

But anyways.  Recently I went to the new movie theatre in town and saw the movie "The Duff", where an average girl realizes she's a D.U.F.F.-- the designated ugly fat friend.  She says that all schools and cliques have them-- they're everywhere... It's a good movie that reinforces what it means to be yourself and, even though it was a bit goofy at times, I enjoyed it.  I'd recommend--- giving it an 7/10 just for your convenience (;   (Ha, I love how this section basically got transformed into a movie review.  But it's okay cuz it's a rom-com chick flick thing that's basically kinda but not really Mean Girls.  OH and the bitchy red head actress *coughBellaThorne* I think is trying a little too hard... just sayin'.... :P

Area 51. Whew.  Okay.  What shall I put here? Shouuuuuuuld I mention perhaps that SPRING BREAK IS COMING SOON AND I AM SO EXCITED! I'm going to NYC with my choir to compete and it is going to be a lovely time because I am rooming with my best friend and other awesome people... I swear so many pictures will be going up on social media sites it's not even funny... XD I can already see the eyerolls of my followers....

And that brings me to another thing... I've officially done it.  I've become one of them. I have--since my last post--made an Instagram and I have to say it's purty cool. I like pictures, looking at them and liking them.  To me, it's like another venue of art.  And I'm trying to keep it in perspective... I try not to post obnoxious selfies (ew that WORD agh kinda just threw up a little) just because, because that is obnoxious (you feel me?)  I like to keep it light, keep it quirky... and add some meaning to the universe.  I've even used it as a platform for advertising some things so far.  And it's been relatively successful.  So... that's fun (:  If you feel like wandering down to my land of random pictures, you can click a link that says "instagram" somewhere in this post XD

On a totally different note... (ha, get it? Because I choir? ...okay it wasn't that funny) I thought I'd randomly throw you my Valentine's day story at you because I didn't include it in my "love" section... It was a great day, actually. Totally out of the ordinary.  I had to work that day, so did J.  He had debate all in the morning, and I... Well, I attended a state-wide German convention with my best friend.  Weird, I know.  That day consisted of making heart-shaped Brezeln (pretzels), designing t-shirts, and me, spur of the moment running for a spot on the state-wide organization's committee.  And, I'm happy to say, you're looking at the new historian for the organization :D. It's cool cuz I can throw things on social media to get kids pumped to learn the German language, AND I get to go to these cool events... it's just gonna be fun.  With almost 6 years of the language under my belt, this and my experience will surely end up as a shining point on college apps.  Hopefully.  But I have so many plans... one of them consists of re-vamping the organization's website because it is a bit bland :P

BUT WOW.  ^that's a lot of text. ...if you've held on with me through all that I am very proud. ...and I hereby bestow upon you a token of my appreciation-- a gold medal.  A figurative gold medal (;

So that's... where I am currently.  I'm just trying to make it to the spring without dying too hard... And I really want to get better about blogging.  This really makes me happy and I feel motivated just having my fingers fly across the keyboard.. :D

Until next time--


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