
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

An Eve of Truths

Lookie there, I already posted a sort of holiday post... When really, I feel like the real one is coming right here, right now.

courtesy of
The holidays are busy, there's no denying that.  Yesterday was crazy-- we were supposed to get family Christmas pictures taken.  My mom hand cancelled the session like, 3 times before, and as it turned out, she had to cancel it again... whell, I say she cancelled... She didn't really cancel to be cancelling... she just found out that their printing things were broken, and she had wanted to have pictures in her hand later that night to put in frames and give to people later on in the week.  So... longish story short, we're getting pictures done *fingers crossed* on January 4th.  Later that day, after the non-existent Christmas pictures, we went to visit my grandma at the senior citizen care centre near Vienna, VA.  It was really sweet-- we exchanged presents and visited for a while.  After that, we went home in order to be back in time for me to go to J's family Christmas party.  It was fun-- we were around a lot of friends and we got some poker going, along with some other card games.  I've never been much of a gambler, but we played with walnuts and I have to say... sometimes going all-in (and forcing J to go all-in with you!) pays off. (;  Let's just say I've got a tonne of walnuts on my hands now.  XD  It was a good night, full of friends and fun and food and merriment.  I'm purty sure I got home around half 'til one in the morning, and therefore, I slept in a LOT today.

Wow.  Today is Christmas Eve.  Already?

Today's goal was to get up, get stuffs ready and be at church by 2pm to prepare for the Christmas pageant/church service.  I was playing the part of the angel Gabriel (they needed someone older to do the parts with more lines, as half of the cast was under the age of like, 7 years old.) and it was so cute.  There was an abundance of sheep and cows... plus a little one dressed as a tiger and one as a skunk XD While I don't think Jesus had tigers and skunks attend his birth at the manger, it was still really cute.  The little angels were absolutely adorable, with their feathered wings and illusion-y float-y halos of garland...  Sure, the pageant wasn't a broadway production.  There were some line slips, and some kids almost trashed the set     ( XD )  but it was all in the spirit of the story we were telling.  A beautiful story that, no matter how many lines are lost or whispered from child to child, can stand on its own.  

It was a memorable evening, and got more memorable as the night went on, it seemed.

After the service, we headed to a restaurant to eat.  Upon entering the establishment, we were greeted by a rather young and striking young man wearing a goofy-looking spring-y Santa hat adorned with a lighted light necklace.  He was just a typical host person, doing his job however... Boo blatantly, (and rather loudly) in all of her innocence, pointed out that he "has no arm!"  The guy looked at her and smiled.  He came over to her and knelt down next to her, matching her height.  "You're right, I don't have an arm," he said, smiling.  "But I do have a wrist, and a hand-- see?"  He started wiggling his wrist/hand that was where someone's shoulder should have been.  He attempted to do the wave, which made Boo laugh.  I giggled as well.  A few seconds prior, I had said to Boo "you don't point at people/stare/say things like that" and all of that... Well the guy took it all in good light-- he said he was by no means offended. He turned to Boo again and said "You see, when God was making the blue print for me, simply ran out of space on the paper for my arm.  He said he reckons it's because my heart was too big."
He was very friendly and his sense of humour and personality just lit up the lobby.  I know the feeling all too well... when you walk into somewhere and if you have a noticeable handicap or disability, people's eyes go straight to it without missing a beat.  I have to wonder if people receiving those looks of judgement get sick of it, and I'm certain they do.  So I'd like to think that I'm one of those people who will look to someone's smile and eyes first.  After all, they're a person, too.  Sometimes it takes the innocence of a child to see that. <3

After dinner we went home and did some last-minute prepping around the house: stockings needed hanging, advent wreath needed lighting, and cookies for Santa needed baking.  We accomplished nearly all of this and more before we headed back out to church again for the 11 o'clock candlelight Christmas eve service.  Upon walking in, we were each given a candle.  The candle would later be lit a little after communion, during the singing of Silent Night.  The service had an abundance of hymns (my mom loved that) and Father Rob's sermon was really uplifting and inspiring, with a touch of lightheartedness. When the lights went out and the time came to sing Silent Night, people lit their candles.  The soft glow of the candles combined by the full sound of the congregation made it super we were reliving the holiness of the night.

And so tonight... when I think about this holiday season... so much has changed from years past...
This year, I'm not concerned (almost) at all about what I'm getting for people or even what I myself may receive gift-wise... I'm only 16, mind you, but it's like with the coming of age, you just realize stuff.  I don't find myself wanting and almost needing on a superficial level... it's so much more than that.  No matter what one celebrates... it's about being with those you love and holding onto what is truly important.  Thinking of yourself becomes your last thought, if it even comes at all.  Seeing a smile on someone else's face because of something you did is more valuable to you than you could ever think possible.   It's a whole new realm of giving and receiving that is so so much more rewarding.  Not to mention the whole spiritual side of this holiday... Boo said it best when she said "tomorrow's Jesus' birthday!"   She's right.  It's the birth of the greatest gift bestowed upon mankind.

So I know in the bustle of the holidays it's hard... but this year.. I really want to slow it down as much as I can.  I want to open my heart a bit wider, see things a little clearer, and love and live in the moment a little better.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas-- and if you don't celebrate Christmas, then simply have a wonderful holiday.  I hope your days are filled with joy and happiness, as well as family and friends.  And I hope you can take a minute to take in all of the blessings of the season.   <3

I know I will.


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