
Monday, January 6, 2014

I Could Use A Dose Of Awesomeness Right Now...

This past weekend was fun....

One of the best parts of it was being able to hang with my best friend on Saturday.  It's been too long.  Entirely too long.  The minute I got to her house we sat down and I decorated her nails with painstaking detail XD  (She had heard about my awesome nail art set I acquired from Christmas and I had offered to let her be, in essence, my first customer.  So we painted nails, and then ate some delicious salmon for dinner, thanks to her mom/dad :D  And after we ate, we went out in her hot tub.  In 30 degrees Farenheit.
"They do it all the time in Colorado!" she had said.  I had brought my bathing suit, so I figured, what the heck.  30 degrees outside, 104 in the water.  Interesting temperature difference.  The steps into the hot tub were covered with snow, so my feet, after making contact with the steps, felt super burn-y when I tried to put them in the water.  Since I'm a wimp about pain, I was like "ehhhh no!" and kinda sat perched on the edge not wanting to get in (I mean, if it was going to burn!) But after a while I just sucked it up and climbed in, and my seemingly icy hot feet warmed up.  And it felt so good.  The cold air surrounding our upper body seemed insignificant.  We didn't care.  It was fun.  Coming back in the house was great-- we were cold when we got out, but rushing into a warm house was fantastic.  We dried off, got on the couch and sat down and watched Les Miserables.  The 2012 version, with Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway.  SO GOOD.  I was crying like, every ten minutes, though... So... If you decide to see it, have the tissues handy.  We ended up falling asleep around 2 something AM.

We woke up Sunday in time to get ready and go to church.  I was going to be going to church with Andrea; she's Lutheran.  While I'm Episcopalian, I have to say there wasn't that much difference between the services.  It was nice.  However, before the church service, I went to her little youth group meeting thing.  The man leading the group session was amazing-- Mr. Wilson.  Now that is how a Sunday school teacher/youth group leader is supposed to talk.  Everyone was engaged, and what he had to say made a lot of sense.  We talked about courage, and how we can incorporate it into our lives.  I'm working on it.  It's a work in progress...

So when I kinda broke down a day/couple hours ago.... It seems as if my parents are always mad.
Mad at something, fighting with someone.  And I get mad at my own mistakes.  Let's just say, a lot of the time, while I strive for perfectionism... it's not possible.  I should stop.  I don't know the last time I've cried that much....A couple chocolate products and RENT/Legally Blonde viewings later, not to mention the comforting aid of J... I am feeling alright again.  And I want things to change.

I guess the point I was getting around to making is that sometimes, you do have little blessings.  People come in and cheer you on and help you when you need it most.  Andrea sent me a link just a short while ago... And I want to share it with you.  This video is something I want to work into my life... The girl knows what she's talking about.  If only I could be like that...

So here's to the first mess of 2014... and here's to the hope that things will get better.
And here's to hoping I can cheer one of you up and on with this video, like it did me.


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